People-Centered Approaches to Getting Work Done

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Nonviolent Communication for Black, Indigenous, People of Colour


A 6 week offering led by Leonie Smith for Black, Indigenous, People of Colour who are looking for a learning and exploring environment that is liberation focused and built around their needs. 

If you are curious about NVC, interested in how to explore ways of being that celebrate all that you are in the face of systems that do not see you, please join!

Session Dates: March 11, 25 and April 1, 8, 15, 22 from 4:00pm-5:30pm, Pacific On Zoom

To find out more information and to register, please click the link below to be taken to the POC4NVC webpage.

Leadership Under Fire: Strategies, Resources and Experiential Learning in Service to Becoming a Grounded Leader

Have you ever been in conversation with a team member and felt stumped? Overwhelmed by all they are bringing to you?

Is it your dream to know that your team have the capacity to do great work that is enriching and doesn’t generate toxicity and burnout?

Join the 2 day Leadership Under Fire to learn ways to make your principled approached to leadership and team care!

Workshop offered online in four sessions- February 18, 19, 25, 26 from 3:30-5:30 PM Pacific Time.

At The Thoughtful Workplace
our focus is on supporting individuals, teams and organisations to move forward together to get work done.  

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